At the end of their XV General Assembly, held at the Central House of the Society of Foreign Missions of the Province of Quebec from June 5 to 15, 2023, the members of the Assembly elected a new Superior General and three assistants to form the new Central Council for a five-year term.
The new Central Council is composed as follows:...
The Missionaries of the CICM, gathered in the 16th General Chapter re-elected the Reverend Father Charles Phukuta as their Superior General (2023-2029).
The Society of Priests of Santiago after a preparatory spiritual retreat met in General Assembly and on the second week, 15 June 2023, elected Father André Siohan as Superior General and Father Fricot Milien as First Assistant and Vicar General.
Father Gustavo Agín does his encore and will lead the congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Betharram for another six years. This was decided by the delegates of the nations gathered at the General Chapter in Chiang Mai, Thailand, who on the first ballot agreed to renew the Argentinean in the role of superior general.
Greetings, Superiors General and Congregational Leaders, from the Mission Promotion Office of Solidarity with South Sudan!