The Executive Council
The Council is the executive body of the Union of Superiors General and must be convened at least four times a year.
It is composed of the President of the Union, the Vice President, and 10 Councilors who represent the different categories of Religious Institutes and the Societies of Apostolic Life, specifically: Canons Regular; Monastics; Mendicant Orders; Regular Clerics; Clerical Congregations with four representatives; Lay Religious Congregations; and Societies of Apostolic Life.
The General Assembly
The General Assembly is made up of all the Superiors General who are members of the Union by law.
Objects of the General Assembly, among others are:
- Communications from the Holy See,
- Exchange of information and ideas of common interest and their study;
- Determination of the Union's position on matters where it is necessary or appropriate for the Union to adopt a collective position;
- Creation or abolition of Commissions;
- Elections of the delegates of the Union to the Synod of Bishops and all other elections which under these Statutes are the responsibility of the General Assembly;
- Examination and approval of the annual budget submitted by the Council and determination of the contribution of the members of the Union to the Union's expenses.
The Assembly traditionally meets twice a year (May and November).

P. Giambattista Nicolato
The General Secretariat
The General Secretariat is composed of the Secretary General, the Treasurer, and any assistants. The Secretary General and the Treasurer are appointed by the President, with the consent of the Council, for three years, renewable. The Secretary General must be a religious or a member of a Society of Apostolic Life.
At this time the Secretary General is Father Mario Zanotti (Camaldoli Monk) and the Treasurer is Father Giambattista Nicolato (Congregation of St. Joseph). Mrs. Daniela Piacentini is assistant to the Secretary General.

Sig.ra Daniela Piacentini

P. Mario Zanotti