Toward a Constitutively Synodal Church 22/02/2024 MOOC 3 - free online courseMarch 2-15, 2024(last days for registration)
Sinodalità e missione 14/12/2023 Opening of e-Studium Course Wednesday 20 December - 3 p.m.Auditorium AUGUSTINIAN(In presence et online)
Unpacking the Illusions of the Green Economy in the Energy transition 06/12/2023 Second Webinar of the series14 December 2023 - from 3pm to 5 pm(Rome time)
Mission as Synodality - On the experience of living synodality 06/10/2023 SEDOS - Autumn Seminar13h November 2023 from 8.45 to 17 hrsAt UISG - Piazza di Ponte Sant'Angelo 28, Rome
We jointly promote the Global Compact on Education 02/10/2023 The UISG-USG Education Commission invites you to attend the event Institutional Act on the Global Compat on Education that will be held on 10 November 2023 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Jubilee Hall at LUMSA, Rome.
Our Safeguarding Journey 19/09/2023 Online and in presence Webinar at UISG Headquarters20 October 2023 from 2 to 5 p.m. (Rome time)Deadline: 10 October 2023