EL CAMINO SINODAL Y LA MIGRACIÓN: construendo puentes entre grandes ciudades para acojer, proteger, promover y integrar


Webinar online in Spanish - July 1, 2024
3.30 PM - 5.30 PM (Rome time)

The Synodal Journey and Migration: Building Bridges between Major Cities to Welcome, Protect, Promote and Integrate is the first in a series of webinars organised by the Scalabrini International Migration Institute (SIMI) in Rome and the Pontifical Commission for Latin America (PCAL) in collaboration with the Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN), Caritas Latin America and the Caribbean, the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopal Council (CELAM), and the Clamor Network. The series aims to build bridges between the major cities of North and South America by encouraging dialogue between bishops, theologians and civil society.

Reflecting on how the synod can facilitate welcoming and promoting the role of migrants in local communities and how, in turn, the presence of migrants can make the church more synodal, the event proposes to address a theological and pastoral reflection on the progress of the synod and the relationship with migration and, at the same time, consider what is happening at the level of good practice.


The seminar will be held online in Spanish. If you wish to participate, please register in advance at the following link:



Opening greetings and introductions

P. Aldo Skoda, Director SIMI

Marco Strona, Building Bridges Project PCAL

Pastoral Reflections

Jorge Ignacio García Cuerva, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gustavo García Siller, Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas, USA

Theological Reflections

Victor Carmona, Profesor asociado de Teología y Estudios Religiosos en la Facultad de Artes y Ciencias de la Universidad de San Diego, Estados Unidos

Emilce Cuda, Secretario Pontificia Comisión para América Latina


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