Election of Bro. Dionigi Taffarello, Superior General of the Congregation of the Brothers of St. Gabriel

Bro. Dionigi Taffarello SG
Bro. Dionigi Taffarello SG

The 33rd General Chapter of the Brothers of St. Gabriel took place from 03 April to 01 May 2024, at their Generalate in Rome.

The theme was 'A Montfortian Prophetic Presence in the 21st Century'.

In the plenary session on Tuesday, 16 April 2024, the Chapter Brothers elected Bro. Dionigi Taffarello for the first six-year mandate as Superior General of the Congregation, replacing his predecessor Bro. John Kallarackal.

Brother Dionigi was born in Treviso in 1969, he made his first profession in 1990.
After obtaining a Master's degree in Religious Sciences and a Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences, he was on mission in Poland for 6 years.
From 2011 to 2018, he was in charge of the Italian delegation.
From 2018 to 2024, he was Vicar General.

The other members of the General Council, elected at the plenary session on 19 April 2024, are:

Bro. Pratap Reddy B., 1st Assistant General for a second mandate. Vicar General. (India)

Bro. Jean-Marie V. Thior, Assistant General, 1st mandate. (Senegal)

Bro. Dhanaraj S., Assistant General, 1st mandate. (India)

Bro. Varghese Mandapathil, Assistant General, 1st mandate. (India)

From left to right : Bro. Dhanaraj S., Bro. Pratap Rebby B., Bro. Dionigi Taffarello, Bro. Jean-Marie V. Thior,  Bro. Varghese Mandapathil
From left to right : Bro. Dhanaraj S., Bro. Pratap Rebby B., Bro. Dionigi Taffarello, Bro. Jean-Marie V. Thior, Bro. Varghese Mandapathil

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