Empowering the people of South Sudan
Solidarity with South Sudan 2019 Annual Report and 2020 development

Despite the uncertainty of our daily lives as we deal with the impact of the virus on our world, I have the pleasure of presenting you with this year's annual report on the work of Solidarity. As you will see, up until the advent of covid-19, the work continues to go from strength to strength as we built on the foundations that were laid over ten years ago when the projects began. While our work has certainly been disrupted this year, we have been challenged to explore new ways of proceeding with our programmes while doing all we can to ensure the safety of the people in our care.
The struggle that the world is facing in coping with the impact of this virus is present for Solidarity with South Sudan, as we continue to seek personnel and resources that will ensure our work continues. We deeply appreciate your continued help and support without which we would not have been able to be as successful as we have been.
As a faith-based organisation, we are hopeful that your generosity will inspire others to contribute to helping us get through the difficult times ahead. We are only too aware that the potential for making personnel and financial resources available is in short supply in these present circumstances. None-the-less, we need you to hear this cry for help and be a channel of it, so others may feel moved to respond to this call, which we believe comes from God, to empower the people of South Sudan through the creation of systems that promote education and healthcare.
Once again, on behalf of Solidarity and the people of South Sudan a heartfelt thanks for all we have been able to do together because of your contributions.
Together let us keep up this good work!
Fr. Paul Smyth cmf, President of Solidarity with South Sudan