Fr. James Lengarin is the new Superior General of the Consolata Missionaries

The 14th General Chapter of the Consolata Mission Institute, gathered these days in Rome, has elected the new Superior General in the person of
P. James Bhola Lengarin IMC
P. James was born on 15 April 1971 in Maralal, Kenya, and made his perpetual profession in the Consolata Missions Institute in 1997. He was ordained a priest in 1999 in Wamba, Kenya.
He began his Theology studies in London, which he completed in Rome in 1999 with a License in Missiology. From 1999 to 2004, he was a missionary animator in Italy and was later appointed Vice-Teacher of the Theological Seminary at Roma-Bravetta, where he was Rector from 2006 to 2008. Assigned to Kenya, he was Novice Master in 2008-2009 and was then appointed Director of the Language School in Nairobi for a year. From 2010 to 2012, he was Rector of the Consolata Shrine in Nairobi, a task he left upon being appointed Administrator of the Kenya Region in June 2012, a position he held until 2017.
In 2017, he participated in the General Chapter that elected him Vice Superior General, a position in which he has served the Institute for the past six years.
P. James was elected Superior General of the Consolata Missionaries on 12 June and will hold the post until 2029.

On the morning of Tuesday 13 June, the forty capitulars gathered at the 14th General Chapter elected the members of the General Board who will lead the Consolata Missions Institute (IMC) during the next sexennium 2023-2029.
They were elected:
P. Michelangelo Piovano, Vice Superior General
P. Odhiambo Mathews Owuor, General Councillor
P. Juan Pablo De los Ríos Ramírez, General Councillor
P. Erasto Colnel Mgalama, General Councillor