Lo Spirito sa dove ci porta. L'umanesimo trans-religioso tra fede e utopia
Gaudium et spes Conference
1-2 April 2025
Auditorium of the Pontifical Theological Institute John Paul II

A conference entitled The Spirit Knows Where He Leads Us. Trans-religious humanism between faith and utopia, to be held on 1 and 2 April 2025 at the Jp2 auditorium. The conference will explore the effects of the change in the centrality of European humanism, historically linked to Christian faith and occidental culture, and how this impacts faith itself. Inter-religious dialogue and the non-European horizon will also be analysed as new keys to understanding.
International academics will participate and reflect on the relationship between humanism, faith and culture in a global perspective. The agenda will include a panel discussion, working groups and simultaneous translation for foreign language speakers.
The event is free of charge, but reservation is appreciated. To attend, you can register throught Zoom platform or on Eventbrite.
For information, please contact the events office at: eventi@istitutogp2.it