XVII General Chapter of the Servants of the Poor

Fr. Hélio Meira Augusto, SdP
Fr. Hélio Meira Augusto, SdP

The 17th General Chapter of the Congregation of the Missionary Servants of the Poor met from 15 to 31 July 2024 at San Vittorino Shrine - Rome.

A total of 20 brothers took part, representing the various provinces, delegations and missions.

The Chapter's central theme and guiding theme for discussion was: "Journeying with the Church under the sign of synodality and the 'apostolic mission' of propagating the faith through Charity."

In this 17th Chapter, the Brazilian Fr. Hélio Meira Augusto was elected as 12⁰ Superior General and successor of the founder Blessed James Cusmano, for the sexennium 2024/2030.


P. Hélio Meira Augusto was born on 8 June 1963 in Jaguapitã, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. He entered the Father James Cusmano Seminary in Curitiba, making his first profession on 13 March 1988. After studying Philosophy and Theology, he made his perpetual profession on 21 November 1994. He was ordained a priest on 10 December 1994. In his ministry he was parish priest in Ibicaré, Santa Catarina; vice-parish priest in Igarapé, Minas Gerais; missionary and formator in Mexico; delegate of the Superior General and formator in Brazil. For the last six years he has been Vicar General and secretary of the Congregation in Rome. Father Hélio is the first non-Italian to be elected Superior General of the Congregation.

The General Councillors elected are:

  • 1st Councillor and Vicar: Father André Anguyo - Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • 2nd Councillor: Father Giovanni Passantino - Italy
  • 3rd Councillor: Father Ronald Ignacio Diaz - Philippines 
  • 4th Councillor: Father J. Thadevus Ambatt - India
SdP New General Council
SdP New General Council

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