Religious Life after Covid-19: The Role of the Unions of Superiors General
On 25 May, from 14:30 to 16:00, an online meeting of the Executive Boards of the UISG and the USG took place. The theme of the meeting was "Religious Life after Covid-19: What is the Leadership Role for the Two Unions?"
Following a moment of prayer and greetings by the two executive secretaries, Sr. Pat Murray and Br. Emili Turú, the two presidents, Sr. Jolanta Kafka and Fr. Arturo Sosa, offered their thoughts on the subject, as a way of motivating further dialogue.
You can read their remarks here.
The participants in the meeting were divided into small groups, and had a conversation on these questions:
- What is the leadership role of the two Unions at this time?
- How can we support small congregations that are facing many challenges, especially because of the global crisis?
- How do we express our collective grief in solidarity with one another?
Back in the plenary, one person from each working group shared the most important elements of each group's reflection. Significant convergence of opinions and proposals could be observed, and it was finally decided that the presidents and the executive secretaries would follow up on the themes and proposals that emerged.
At the end of June, the two presidents will send a letter to all the members of their Unions, summarizing the essentials of the day's discussions.