Rogationists: Father Bruno Rampazzo re-electd as Superior General

Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, RCJ
Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, RCJ

On Sunday morning, 24 July 2022, the Chapter Assembly of the Rogationists confirmed the Rev. Father Bruno Rampazzo as Superior General of the Congregation for a second term of office for the next six-year period 2022-2028.

Father Bruno was born in Campodoro (Padua) on 1 January 1957. He belongs to the Rogationist Province of St Matthew, based in the Philippines.

According to the chapter regulations, the four Councillors and the General Bursar were then elected, thus forming the new government team of the Congregation.

P. José Maria Ezpeleta (Philippines) was re-elected Councillor for the Religious Life, Formation and Vocations Pastoral Sector;

P. Reinaldo Leitão De Sousa (Brazil) was elected for the Rogate Sector;

P. Eugene Ntawigenera (Rwanda) was elected for the Charity and Mission Service Sector;

P. Gilson Maia (Brazil) was confirmed for the Sector of Parishes, Laity and Youth Ministry;

P. Brizio Giovanni Greco was elected General Bursar

Finally, among those elected, Fr. José Maria Ezpeleta was named Vicar General.

New RCJ General Council
New RCJ General Council

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